Today‘s blog is a testimony of gladness
I am grateful for every trial and every good thing.
I am grateful for the good, the bad, and the ugly.
There is a famous saying about counting your blessings and naming them one by one. I don’t think I can count those blessings.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. Ephesians 1:3
When God reminded me a couple of years ago that have I asked for bread, and he has given me none? he was not joking. I became independent at a young age, the beginning of; my breakthrough began when I traveled to the United Kingdom at an early age, pretty much to start life. He was with me then and is still with me now. I sometimes ask how I do what I do? Indeed, the lord has been good through it all. If I had a thousand tongues?
I have also encountered a few hurdles along the way, but I overcame. A few days ago, I read on Facebook that a CRNA, a certified registered nurse Anesthetist ( one of the highest paying jobs in our professional ladder), has shot his pregnant girlfriend in the head, shot his ex-wife, and then shot himself. A friend sent me the video he made before the incident, and he pretty much had had it with happenings around him, custody battles, threats, etc. I Am sure he could probably count his many blessings, but those couple of hurdles propelled him to take the life of others and his own.
We can easily find ourselves swaying the other way, and that is forgetting about all the good and dwelling on the bad. It’s a human tendency, And most of us are guilty of this. I want to encourage all my loyal readers today that we should make a deliberate effort to count all our blessings m, dwell in those blessing, and see the goodness of God in our lives rather than dwelling on the hurdles we face. Shalom
Adobea, (Imani)
we bless God indeed for how far he has brought us all God bless you sis
Count your blessings name them one by one and you will see that the Lord is GOOD 😭
Wow …. Heaven is smiling Sissy ❤️🙏🏽God bless you
Sea on the rock hard party 🎉🥳
Counting our blessings is an intentionally thing that we must do constantly. With all my heart I will praise the Lord. God has indeed done countless things for us. May the things we experience in life not take the place of God's goodness toward us. Continuous grace to be grateful, Lord give it to us. In Jesus name,