True love rejoices in what is right and just. We do not have to delight in sin and wickedness.
Love welcomes righteousness and shuns evil.
Love welcomes good behavior. Love celebrates good behavior and treasures truth.
On the other hand, although love does not delight in evil, we also have to be careful not to gloat over someone else’s guilt. Love rejoices in the virtue of others, not in their vices.
I have learned something new today. Most people, including myself, tend to rejoice when an enemy is found guilty of a crime or caught in a sin, but that is not love.
To show God’s kind of love, we must have God’s perspective on sin and righteousness. The better we understand love God‘s way, the more we sorrow over those who sin. We can love those around us better if we love the truth.
Rejoicing with the truth and not delighting in evil does not mean judgment and condemnation. We do not have the right to judge anybody. A true believer and follower of Christ do not condemn other people; that is not love; there is no condemnation in those in Christ. The challenge to myself is to explore God‘s perspective on sin and righteousness well so that I can move well in this particular attribute of love.
As christ deemed right not to condemn but saved me, I have no power to condemn others! Grace be multiplied unto us daily as we seek to be like Him🙏🏾