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Is It Good To Have Expectations?

Writer's picture: Adobea (Imani)Adobea (Imani)

People have different views on expectations. Some say it’s good to have expectations; others do not expect anything, especially in relationships. Studies show that it is good to have expectations. It's healthy to have expectations of respect, affection, intimacy, time together in a relationship. Being in a healthy relationship means getting your needs met by a person you love and trust.

I agree that it is good to have expectations in everything, at work, home, in all relationships, etc. Met expectations will be beautiful, but unfortunately, it does not work like that all the time. I will use myself as an example; in a particular season of my life, I had high expectations for a specific situation. When my expectations were not met, I felt like I had been robbed of every good thing; I instead became angry and bitter. I felt betrayed.

Fast forward, I know it’s good to have expectations in your relationships Etc, but from my experience, I will not hold anyone accountable if my expectations are not met. To save me from the frustration, disappointment, anger, and bitterness, I will expect much from God. Many of these people we put so much trust and hope in have nothing to give. A person can not provide what they don’t have in them. I don’t know what your views on expectations are? But that’s mine described in a nutshell above.



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Adobea (Imani)
Adobea (Imani)
Feb 24, 2022

Expectations helps us to set standards for ourselves, as to what we are tolerant with and what we will disallow. We do set expectations for our young ones, so that they may grow in the wisdom of God, knowing what is right and wrong and that governs them up to adolescent. Without expectations our would be brutish, chaotic and people will do whatever they so decide. Its like affirming our feelings and making our choices


Adobea (Imani)
Adobea (Imani)
Feb 24, 2022

see interactions from a few friends below


Adobea (Imani)
Adobea (Imani)
Feb 24, 2022

My take: I think it's good to have expectations in life. I always have expectations in life and sometimes it happens even as our dreams comes true but it must be backed by faith. It's good to be expecting your healing over some illness that has been persistent for a long time. If I pray to God for my healing at the end of the month and it does not happen, I don't lose anything. With God it's always about timing. Some may be disappointed but God manifests his works in times and seasons, so we ought to wait patiently for his time; for his healing shall surely come


Adobea (Imani)
Adobea (Imani)
Feb 24, 2022

I love that part where you said, one can only give what he has, and many times we expect too much from them...they don't have it as you said and can definitely not give what they don't have.


Adobea (Imani)
Adobea (Imani)
Feb 24, 2022

As you said sometimes men/women cannot meet all our our expectations and that can result in hurt feelings and betrayal.

That been said it will be sad not go through life without expectations. If you are one in your heart and mind with your expectations, God has a wonderful way of bringing them to pass. So we keep on having faith in the best of man and have 💯 faith in the expectations from God and you can never go wrong.

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