The focus today is on spiritual leadership. Your husband or husband to be first has to be the spiritual leader of your home.
Usually, when a husband and wife have a healthy relationship, they make decisions together as equals, looking to Christ as the head of the home.
A spiritual leader must therefore imitate Christ. He must be tuned in to his family’s needs. The spiritual welfare of the family must concern him.
He always looks for ways to help members grow in their relationship with God. He provides physical support, grace, and encouragement. He is ready to protect, help, and defend. In hard times and good times, in season and out of season.
He is ready to lay down his life for those entrusted to his care; I am not too sure about this part in this dispensation of ours but sincerely, if we go strictly by the precepts laid in the Bible? Then that is how it ought to be.
Below, are few qualities for a husband who desires to fulfill this high and holy calling.
He must have a strong connection with his Heavenly Father, he must first find his happiness in Christ, realizing that he can lead effectively only if he maintains an intimate relationship with the Lord. This is something to strive for with passion. Should be number one on every man’s list.
He must be balanced in his commitments and
nurturing in his concern for the mental and emotional needs of each family member. This will mean the man has to be mentally healthy first before he can effectively see to the mental and emotional needs of others.
He must be proactive, spotting potential challenges to the welfare of his wife and children and coming up with workable solutions to problems. This will require the man to avoid the blame game but rather accept responsibility for what is and come up with workable solutions.
And he must be characterized by integrity, seeking to be the safest, wisest, and most respected man his family has ever known. he has to lead by example.
Both married and unmarried men can glean from the pointers listed above to build a healthy family. As women, we also have a role to play in this; we will be blogging on that in the coming days . Shalom
Focus on the family, 2022: Helping Families Thrive
Adobea, (Imani)
May the Lord help us with understanding thank you sis
Thank you Imani.
This is very awesome. God bless you